Jumat, 10 Februari 2012


I was touched by a word of my "bed-mate", that I'm supposed to keep on practicing to write. Otherwise, I might difficult to start again after long been 'idle'. Yeah, I have the same thing to worry about. I'm afraid of being stag in sharpening my writing skill. At least I have been many times write case studies and conduct my research writing. 

I want to promise to keep practice to write, but I remember that I've promised myself. I remember one day, I wrote the promise, which the notes still saved in my computer, written on May 15, 2009. This is it...!!!. 

To day is hopefully to be more relax after worked hard to fninsh my writing. It has been too long I work on it but still I have got force my brain to work hard, both to learn and to write and analyse human rigths in general and Ecosoc’s rights particularly as perspective in my case writing.

I feel so free and want to scream, uuuh… finally. Actually, at the same to day is my sadness as I realize that I’m getting poorer and poorer in knowledge and skill of writing. I get trouble in systemize ideas bear in my mind and analyse the case. Damned ….!!!!!. I know that I have to fix this stiuation as well as to break my stupidness. Whatever … thank God, there are many ways you show me to walk through to show who I am and make ease everybody looks at me, so they know that this is I am. Though it is quiet hard to stick on the same way I walked in previous yesterdays.

The most important thing I try to hold from to day is I try to promise to myself, from now on, I will keep on writing everything I see, I feel and I do – the whole of my experience, so I go to make this lovely laptop to be more productive. Hope this is not an empty promise that will bring me to the flexibility of thinking, learning, and analyzing and wrtite them all in at least in a piece of paper.

Oh My God. Back to my writing. I have sent it to Bang Emil and start to imagine what would be happened then; fool analysis that he or some other friends might laught at. Just the same as previously, I can’t really strong enough to admit that  I am the foolish one. At least, this is my start of expectation that I will do to get better and better. I will always guide my hands to keep pressing my keyboard and touching one-by-one letters, create word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence to paragraph, and finally a systematic story paraphrased in pages of my blank sheet. Hopefully.

Well, there is something also touch me to day. A news came to my office yesterday. Sad news… there are two of our friends, Pak Iyon and Bambang  just arrested by the Police for they are hostage the Surveyor team for coal mining project in their area. This reasonable, because, local communities have ever been voiced out their denial obver the project, that the project instead of give benefits to them, it will destroy their forest and brings them to be landless. There will be many other impacts that definitely could happen in the future in many aspect of their life. The most crucial one is their rights to land and health environment. They threaten to get problem in accessing resources they life depend on.

This case brings some of NGOs come together to formulate steps and strategy to help the people.

Ha, ha, and now I'm so shy since I can not prove it to myself, to keep own promise. It doesn't really that bad, coz at least I did to force myself to work on my blog, to write down whatever, no matter what the reader might thing of the quality, This is it. Everybody free to evaluate, to judge or to criticize, but this is the only I can do at this time. I expect to much to have another serious writing to make one day.

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