Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

How to Give?.

The essence of giving that I've learned is how you just share things with your sisters, brothers and other relatives as well as with your friends. Nowday, friend to me is more extented and has a broad meaning and philosophy. What things you gave?. It is more than the cakes and cookies you are eating with others, more than money you donate to people and more than clothes you gave to the disaster's survivors.

I come with this explanation as a forehead to my experience with my son G. This is to share how parents hjave to be really carefull in explain the imprtance of giving, beyond what they ussually taught to their children to "Just Give" no matter what the target and the usage of waht you have given.

My sons and daughter got the moment of "Salam Tempel" this Idul Fitri. Each got three envelopes filled with money from my neighbours we visited. They were happy indeed, not because of the money I guess but more because the envelopes color and the picture drawed in the envelopes: the dominant green colors with "Ketupat" pattern and the picture of camels and date fruit.

We counted the money and knew each got Rp. 15, 000; (fifteen thousands Rupiah) as they started to think over the plan on how to use the money.G was wondering what to do with his money. I offered him alternatives: buy drawing books (as they ussually do), buy snack (healthy meals of course) and donate the rest to other people. He agreed on that and asked more, “what if the donation goes to Gaza’s victims?”.  The question surprised both me and his daddy. We  stared each other, none of us tried to replied him fisrt. It was an unpredictable question on came from  a boy on his ages (7th years).

I was silent still, and we both replied smoothly, “ah, yes. Surely, it’s a good idea to donate Gaza’s victim.” I suddenly stopped, still in a couriousity on what and how could this boy  thought of this gorgeous idea ever. We did teach him “to share” what we have with others , especially the poors and those are unluck. We never discussed about Gaza at all, except they knew what had happened there through television. We didin’t want to stick on our curiousity, surprise, and impression on what our son has said.

Daddy replied carefully, in his slow tone, "Kid, it's a good idea of a boy on your ages. I'm your dad, have never been thought that far as you on your ages!". 

Daddy tried to explain the substantial of 'donate' is not "just share". We have to control to where and whom our donation goes. In many cases, the donation delievered by donors are being used by certain parties for their own seek not exactly delieverd to those who are really need it. Daddy took an example, when he was organizing donation for Aceh conflict  survivor, he shocked that the aids (medicines, etc) did not reach the survivors but then being smuggled for the use of millitary.

"You might think you are concern on Gaza, and tended to help, but other might think differently."

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